Chandler Limited Abbey Road Studios EMI TG Microphone

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    The Chandler Limited EMI Abbey Road Studios ‘TG Microphone’ is a solid-state large diaphragm condenser microphone. Continuing the rich tradition of innovation, the TG Microphone is unique in its feature-set and as the name implies, the sound is TG.

      UGS : CHATGMIC Catégories : , , , Brand: Brand:

      Chandler Limited Abbey Road Studios EMI TG Microphone

      The Chandler TG Microphone’s unique on-board EMI ‘Tape Equalizer’ section combined with its ‘Dual Tone System’, dedicated PSU and other features create an extremely flexible microphone capable of rivalling scenarios where the FET47, C414, U87, and U47 traditionally have found favour.

      The Tape Equalizer is adapted from the NAB/IEC tape equalizer facility found on vintage EMI TG mastering desks, and applied to great effect in the TG Microphone. Historically used to compensate for tapes played back on machines of the opposite standard, the repurposed tape equalizer allows the engineer to sculpt the sound at the source in lieu of external processing.

      The microphones shaping possibilities are further expanded when the Tape Equalizer is combined with the selectable 90/50 Hz Low-Cut filter. The ‘Dual Tone System’ modifies TG Microphone’s input and extends its flexibility to capture a wide range of sources. System ‘A’ is TG mid forward, while the alternate ‘B’ voicing takes extreme SPLs and is at home wherever a FET47 would be the choice.

      The TG Microphone relies on a dedicated power supply (PSU). The use of a dedicated PSU, rather than 48V phantom power is integral to the TG Microphone’s larger than solid-state sound. Other features include: cardioid and omni patterns, and 10 dB pad. Shockmount, 25’ Mogami 4-pin mic cable, dedicated PSU, and wooden case are included.

      What’s included in the TG Microphone set?

      TG Microphone, Dedicated PSU, Shockmount, 25’ Mogami microphone cable and wooden microphone case.


      Conceived from meetings in 1967 between Abbey Road engineers and EMI’s Central Research Laboratories technical team, the EMI TG12345 desk (later known as the Mark I), would usher in a sea change in sound and flexibility at Abbey Road Studios.

      The new transistorized EMI TG12345 recording console was modular in design, with twelve dual channel microphone cassettes. The TG desks featured expanded EQ, and for the first time ever, a compressor/limiter on every channel.

      Installed in Abbey Road’s Studio Two in November 1968 and making its debut on an 8-track recording by the Shadows, the new transistor desk marked a departure from the earlier REDD valve consoles. The following year, the EMI TG12345 desk helped shape the sound of the Beatles’ final album, Abbey Road, which was markedly richer sounding to that of the band’s earlier work. The sonic qualities of classics like “Here Comes the Sun,” “Come Together” and “Something” would have been very different without the EMI TG12345.

      The desk encountered many revisions throughout the ‘70s and became the main recording console used throughout the studios until 1983. The EMI TG12345 console Marks I–IV were used on everything from Pink Floyd’s The Dark Side of the Moon and Wish You Were Here to John Lennon’s Plastic Ono Band, George Harrison’s All Things Must Pass to epic film scores including Raiders of the Lost Ark.

      EMI TG12410 transfer consoles or mastering consoles, are still in use today at Abbey Road Studios.

      The EMI TG12345 recording consoles and TG12410 Transfer Consoles were never commercially available to the public.

      Chandler Limited and associated logos are trademarks of Chandler Limited, Inc. Abbey Road Studios, EMI, TG, REDD and their associated logos are trademarks of EMI (IP) Limited.


      Microphone Type: Large diaphragm condenser

      Transducer Type: Gold, custom spec.

      Circuit Type: TG, solid-sate

      Dual Tone System: A/B voicings

      Tape Equalizer: TG, 5 settings

      Low Cut Filter: Switchable— Out, 90 Hz/50 Hz

      Patterns: Cardioid/Omni

      Pad: 10 dB

      Impedance: 200 Ohms

      Accessories Included: Shockmount, Case, PSU, 25’ Mogami Mic Cable

