Solid State Logic SSL XL-Desk Analogue Mixing Console – Unloaded

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    An UNLOADED SSL XL Desk, Analogue Mixing Console, with 16x empty 500 series slots – no 611 EQs. A thoroughbred analogue console from the world’s leading manufacturer!

      UGS : 31924 Catégories : , , Brand: Brand:

      SSL XL Desk Analogue Mixing Console – Unloaded

      The Unloaded SSL XL Desk offers:

      • 8 mic inputs and a bus compressor (built into the chasis as standard)
      • 16 slots to accommodate any 500 series modules (eq, dynamics or mic preamp)
      • The SSL eq or dynamics modules list at £615.83 each ex VAT
      • It also has 8 fx returns routable to mix and eight busses, and is therefore a 24-8 desk, extremely well built, solidly made and reliable.
      • If additional mic pres are needed, you can either use your existing mic preamps or we can supply a range of alternative 2, 4 or 8 channel units.

      The SSL XL Desk is ‘the smart dumb analogue console’.

      The XL-Desk is a modern twist on the classic analogue studio console. It’s designed for tracking or mixing engineers who require an analogue console within a DAW centric studio, but don’t want or need the integrated DAW control and analogue level automation other SSL console products have made the new hybrid studio standard.

      When it comes to creating unique sounds, the Solid State Logic XL-Desk goes one step beyond by incorporating 500 Series technology in a different way. By creating an in-console 18-slot 500 Series rack (accepts both single and doublewide modules), Solid State Logic has made it extremely easier to bring new sonic characteristics to your sound. In addition, the 500 rack is built with a different power supply than the console, allowing it to be run completely separate from the rest of the desk.

      One of the defining elements of any Solid State Logic desk is its delivery of clarity, punch and separation with every recording. Giving users the ability to create dynamic mixes with their signature Mix Bus, the XL Desk features four mix busses, which can all be summed into the console’s Master Bus, Mix A. The other three mix bus, Mix B, C and D, can be independently controlled of the main bus.

      Another essential part of any studio experience is the monitoring system, and the XL Desk is packed with a beautiful Superanalogue monitoring section. With three sets of stereo connects, a sub connection, impressive bass management and in-studio mic monitoring, you’ll always be able to know exactly what sounds you are getting with the greatest of ease.

      While many sound and mix engineers love having a fully-integrated system at their disposal, Solid State Logic’s XL Desk dumbs down the former for those who just want something simple. Based on the classic analogue console, but packed with sonic innovations from Solid State Logic, this console truly is the best of both sides of the recording industry.

      *Please Note: This product comes unloaded. If you purchase the SSL XL-Desk – Unloaded, no modules will be included. It also comes without a stand.


      The SSL XL-Desk is also available FULLY LOADED including 16 x SSL EQ modules.

      Note both versions include the SSL Bus Compressor 500 Series Module as standard.

