
Drawmer 1961 Vacuum Tube Equaliser (Used)

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    Drawmer 1961 Vacuum Tube Equaliser

      UGS : DRA1961-USD Catégories : , , Brand: Brand:

      Drawmer 1961 Vacuum Tube Equaliser (Used)

      It has long been recognized that vacuum tubes impart a unique ‘warmth’ and ‘musicality’ to an audio signal, but many of the ‘classic’ tube equalizers fall short of the technical performance demanded in today’s digital recording age.

      Designed to complement the widely acclaimed Drawmer 1960 Mic Pre-Amp Vacuum Tube Compressor, the 1961 Vacuum Tube Equalizer combines low noise circuitry with no fewer than twelve active tube stages to provide two channels of exceptional equalization possessing unique ‘personality’. Rather than employ a continuously variable resistor as a means of frequency control, the 1961 utilizes the same rotary ‘step’ switching system used in vintage designs . This enables the component values for each frequency band to be optimized for uncompromising performance across the entire audio spectrum and also makes setting up more accurate, particularly when treating stereo signals.

      The design of the 1961 allows the user to control the amount of ‘warmth’ by deciding how hard to drive the tubes giving a sound as ‘clean’ as the best discrete solid state designs or as ‘hot’ as the ‘hottest’ classic tube designs. The 1961 and 1960 Can be ‘interlinked’ to provide, in effect, a two channel vacuum tube mixing console, – the perfect mastering or post audio ‘sweetening’ tool.


      • Input level. A variable input level of -20dB to +20dB ensures compatibility with a wide range of input source material and enables the user to optimize signal level and drive the tubes ‘soft’ or ‘hot’ as required. LED bargraph displays give a clear indication of the input signal level.
      • High Pass Filter. A variable 12dB/Octave roll-off filter adjustable from – 15Hz to 500Hz section enables the user to remove unwanted low frequencies and sub-sonic noise.
      • Equalization. Each channel of the 1961 has four main equalizer sections with six carefully chosen overlapping frequencies and a separate tube stage for increased harmonic clarity. Each section also includes variable band width from 0.3 Octave to 3 Octaves and +18dB of Cut and Boost.
      • BASS frequencies (Hz) 20, 32, 50, 80, 125, 200
      • LO-MID frequencies (Hz) 100,180, 250, 400, 650,1K
      • HI-MID frequencies (kHz) 0.5, 0.8,1.2, 2.0, 3.2, 5.0
      • TREBLE frequencies (kHz) 2.5, 4, 6,10,15, 25
      • Output Stage. Two additional tube stages in the output section of each channel allow the user to achieve ‘soft clipping’ by adjusting the input level control whilst visually monitoring the effect upon the ‘Soft’ and ‘O/L’ (Overload) LED’s.
      • Bypass. In addition to a master bypass switch for each channel each of the parametric and shelving filters has its own separate bypass switch. This not only makes the 1961 very straight forward to set up, by allowing instant A-B comparison ,but also enables the tube output stages to be used to add tube coloration without EQ simply by leaving each channel switched to ‘In’ and each individual EQ sections switched to ‘Out’ The master bypass switch for channel bypasses all the filter sections as well as the output stage vacuum tube circuitry.
      • Operating Level. Levels of -10dBu and +4dBu are selectable using a rear panel switch.
      • Insert Connections. Insert point 1/4″ jack connectors on the rear panel enable direct connection to the Side chain or Insert points of the Drawmer 1960 Mic Pre-Amp/ Vacuum Tube Compressor. The 1961 and 1960,when’interlinked’, produce a powerful package for recording signals direct to tape; gain control, EQ and compression can be applied to both mic and line level signals without having to go via a mixing console.
      • Inputs and outputs. The 1961 is provided with balanced inputs and outputs on XLR connections.

      Drawmer 1961 Specifications

      (All measurements taken at +4dBu operating level)

        XLR 20K Ohm
        INSERT 47K Ohm
      • MAXIMUM INPUT LEVEL +17dB (+21dBu)
        XLR 50 Ohm
        INSERT 200 Ohm
      • INPUT CMR Better than 40dB (20Hz to 10KHz)
      • OUTPUT BALANCE Better than 40dB (20Hz to 10KHz)
      • NOISE AT UNITY GAIN with flat EQ response switched in circuit
        Wideband 22Hz – 22KHz CCIR ARM IEC A Q-Pk CCIR
        AV -87dB -94dB -96dB -97dB -85dB
        RMS -85dB -92dB – -95dB –
      • DISTORTION @ 1KHz
        XLR Input with BYPASS selected < 0.1%
        XLR Input with NORMAL selected < 0.3%
      • POWER REQUIRED 115 Volt or 230 Volt AC at 50-60Hz, 28 Watts
      • FUSE RATING 250mA for 230 Volt, 500mA for 115 Volt
        CONFORMING TO BS EN 60127-2:1991 SHEET III
      • FUSE TYPE 20mm x 5mm, Class 3, Time delay, 250 Volt working
      • CASE SIZE 482mm (w) x 88mm (h) x 250mm (d)
      • WEIGHT 6.1 Kgs



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