Vertigo Sound VSE-2

Disponible Ex-Demo à partir de 4.700,00

5.795,00 4.750,00+TAV

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Délai de livraison environ 10 jours.


    3–band dual mono equalizer with 18 selectable frequencies on each channel

      UGS : 34769 Catégories : , , Étiquette : Brand: Brand:

      Vertigo Sound VSE-2

      The Vertigo Sound VSE-2 is another BIG IMPACT DESIGN and is setting a new benchmark for Tracking, Mix-Bus and Mastering applications. Unlike other EQs on the market the VSE-2 is equipped with six discrete gyrators and lots of matchless detailed features. This unique set-up makes the sound of the golden decade of analog recording equipment available in today’s studio environment.


      • Discrete gyrator based Equalizer concept
      • Discrete operational Cut and Boost amplifier +-8db
      • 18 selectable frequencies on each channel
      • Dual Mono Design
      • Hi Pass Filter 10Hz-400Hz with bypass
      • Transformer balanced input
      • All EQ parameters controlled by rotary switches
      • Unique A.I.R Mode (Enhancement of the auditory threshold)
      • Smooth and Punchy
      • Super Low Noise (-98dBu)
      • Cut & Boost steps +-: 1dB, 2dB, 3,5dB, 5,5dB, 8dB



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