Pultec EQM-1S Matched Pair

12.099,00 9.917,21+IVA

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    Mastering version of the renowned EQP-1S 3U equalizer

      COD: PTCEQM1SMP Categorie: , , , Brand: Marchio:

      Pultec EQM-1S Matched Pair

      Since rereleasing the EQP-1A & EQP-1S, customers have asked when Pultec planned to do mastering versions of these iconic 3U products. In October 2018 (AES NYC) Pultec announced the EQM-1A, the mastering version of the EQP-1A. They are now excited to announce Pultec EQM-1S, the mastering version ofthe ever-popular EQP-1S EQ, with a couple of extra tweaks. Complete with full-range progressive-taper Elma Switch stepped controls as in the EQM-1A3, EQM-1S3 & EQM-1A mastering EQs, the BOOST/ATTEN controls provide 0.5dB steps for the initial ~50% of rotation and then increase step size as rotation is increased from 50% – 100%. This provides fine control (subtle boost/cut) for mastering/mix-bus applications, while stilldelivering the full range (16-20 dB) of BOOST/ATTEN for more aggressive tracking/mixing applications. Inaddition to adding mastering controls, Pultec have replaced the 6k peak boost center frequency with the 16kcenter, which is so popular on the 1A/1A3 models. So whether your track/mix needs the magical 16k airband or the full 5k/10k shelf boost, you have the option in a single equalizer.


      • 20, 40, 70,100 CPS sh elf boost, 0 -13.5 dB
      • 20, 40, 70,100 CPS shelf attenuate, 0 -17.5 dB
      • 1, 2, 3, 4,5,8,10,12,16 KCSpeak boost, 0-18 dB
      • 5,10 KCS shelf boost, 0-14 dB
      • 5,10, 20 KCS shelf attenuate, 0-16 dB
      • Full-Range Progressive-Taper Stepped Controls
      • Input Impedance: ~600 Ohms
      • Output Impedance: ~50 Ohms
      • Noise: 92 dB below +10 dBm
      • Distortion: < 0.15% at +10 dBm into 600 Ohms
      • Amplifier: Flat, 20 CPS to 20 KCS, +/- 0.5 dB
      • Tubes: 1 ea 12AU7,12AX7, 6X4



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