
Trident Audio 9066B 3-Band Equalizer (Usato)

Il prezzo originale era: €650,00.Il prezzo attuale è: €650,00. 650,00+IVA

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    Vintage mono 3-band equalizer with sweepable hi and lo pass filters.

      COD: TRI9066B-USD Categorie: , , Brand: Marchio:

      Trident Audio 9066B 3-Band Equalizer (Vintage)

      Checked and in good working order. 110v but we can easily switch it for 220v operation prior to shipping. A great sounding EQ that works fine, however the unit has scratchy/crackly pots, most notable on the low bandwidth pot and low shelf pots. This is the result of partially worn contacts than that of dirt and debris, so not something that can be easily rectified. Due to the nature of the pot’s sealed design, they’re unable to be cleaned/serviced easily and so have been left. Once dialled in, the sound is not compromised, only when adjusting is the issue noticeable, and the severity of the noise varies depends on where the frequency selection is. The unit shows some clear signs of use, including marks and scratches commensurate with age. The low band width pot has taken a knock and the shaft is bent. It still functions and turns perfectly well, it just looks a little “wobbly”.

      All issues have been reflected in both the description and the significantly reduced price.

      The Trident CB9066 is a fantastic sounding 3 band 80 series style parametric EQ with sweepable hi and lo pass filters. It features bypass, bandwidth control and 16 dB of boost/cut on each of the three parametric bands.

      The unit’s designer John Oram discusses the design philosophy behind the 9066 B:

      “This was my first product designed for the original Trident company when I was hired as a design consultant in 1974. It’s discrete using tons of tantalum capacitors that the company had inadvertently over ordered. I created a unique frequency sweep technology giving a 10:1 range with a single gang pot. Totally class A with BC413 and BC416 devices in the main running on a +45 volt rail. Trident liked the design and the fast turnaround and I continued there on a project by project basis for 14 years. Designed long before I did the Series 80 circuits, it’s interesting how that sonic footprint carried through in my later designs.”


      • Lo Shelf: 10 – 400 Hz; Slope 0 to 22 dB
      • Lo: 60 – 65 – 100 – 200 – 400 – 500 – 600 – 700 Hz
      • Mid: 600 – 700 – 800 Hz; 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 7 kHz
      • Hi: 3.5 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 8 – 10 – 12 – 14 kHz
      • Hi Shelf: 4 – 16 kHz; Slope 0 to 22 dB
      • Level: +/- 12db, with ‘0’ position detent on each band



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