Rupert Neve Designs 5034 Newton Channel Strip

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    The Rupert Neve Designs Newton features a fully Class-A mic preamp with a sweepable high-pass filter, musical 3-band discrete EQ section, fast & flexible VCA compressor, and custom Rupert Neve Designs transformer-coupled outputs with RND’s beloved harmonic colour stage: variable Silk Red & Blue.

      Rupert Neve Designs Newton Channel Strip

      Available for pre-order. Rupert Neve Designs Newton Shipping July 2023

      The Newton channel strip is a completely Class-A mic preamp with musical 3-band discrete EQ section that consists of LF and HF shelves, as well as a fully parametric mid band EQ, flexible VCA compressor and custom Rupert Neve Designs transformer-coupled outputs with variable Silk Red and Blue harmonic colour stage. The Newton provides instantly recognizable character, musical tone-shaping abilities, and proven reliability that define a Rupert Neve Designs product.

      The Newton’s input stage accommodates both mic and line level signals. The Newton’s microphone preamplifier embodies all the tonal quality and musicality that one would expect from a Rupert Neve Designs product. This preamp simplifies the process of achieving a tight, clean, and detailed sound. With a robust 72dB of gain, including 6dB of fine trim control, the Newton is suitable for a wide range of sources, and although the input stage is designed to match standard microphone source impedance, it can also be driven by line levels, making a pair of Newtons an excellent mixing tool for any studio.

      The EQ section of the Newton is designed for speed and flexibility, featuring a simple set of controls. The low and high frequency shelf bands are adjustable using precise 31-detent potentiometers that offer up to 12dB of gain boost/cut. This allows for subtle or extreme settings to be dialed in as desired.

      The Newton’s parametric mid-band offers an extensive range of mid frequencies that can be boosted or reduced, switchable from 220Hz to 7kHz. This makes the MF band incredibly adaptable, allowing for the reduction of low-mid muddiness, boosting of mid frequency presence, or elimination of any harshness in the upper midrange.

      The Newton Channel features the latest version of Rupert Neve Designs’ ultra-smooth VCA compressor, which provides up to +20dB of make-up gain and ample control for any level of compression required, while retaining musicality. Additionally, the Newton Channel has a useful ‘pre EQ/post EQ’ push button that allows the compressor to be placed either before or after the EQ section. The compressor can also be linked with a second Newton for mix applications.

      Similar to other recent Rupert Neve Designs products, the Newton Channel provides both Main and -6dB Outputs, allowing engineers to drive the Newton harder, generating more transformer harmonics without clipping the subsequent device in the chain.

      The Newton’s signal path concludes with the variable Silk circuit, providing the capability to amplify 2nd and 3rd order harmonics by saturating the custom Rupert Neve Designs output transformers, resulting in a range of tonal options, from a delicate transformer sound without Silk to a more colourful vintage module with the Silk/Texture circuit fully engaged. This feature can add enhanced power, weight and sparkle to source material.


      • Input impedance: 8900 Ohms
      • Maximum input level (no features engaged, un-weighted): +23.6dBu
      • Maximum output level @ 1kHz: +23.6dBu
      • Frequency response:
        • <10Hz to 30kHz: +/- 0.1dB
        • <5Hz to 70kHz: +/- 0.25dB
        • <5Hz to 140kHz: -3dB
      • THD+N, BW (<10Hz to 22kHz):
        • 0dBu at 1 kHz: 0.0013%
        • +20dBu at 1 kHz: 0.0007%
      • Compressor section:
        • Attack time: 20ms (fixed)
        • Release time: Variable; 50ms (Fast) to 500ms (Slow)
      • Product dimensions: 19” (48.3 cm) x 8.125” (20.63 cm) x 1.75” (4.5 cm)
      • Shipping dimensions: 24” (61 cm) x 13” (33 cm) x 4” (10.2 cm)
      • Shipping weight: 9 lbs. (4.1 kg)



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