Prism Sound 8C-FW

1.300,75 1.075,00+IVA

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    8-channel FireWire I/O module

      REF: 343 Categorias: , , Marca:

      Prism Sound 8C-FW

      The Prism Sound 8C-FW is an 8-channel FireWire I/O module offering flexible digital input and output configurations for producers, musicians, and audio engineers using a Prism Sound Dream ADA-8XR audio interface in a variety of studio environments. With selectable configurations, it supports up to eight channels of I/O at up to 96 kHz or up to four channels of I/O at 176.4 kHz or 192 kHz. Two 6-pin FireWire 400 (1394a) ports enable proper connectivity with computers equipped with 4- or 6-pin FireWire 400. The 8C-FW easily installs into the upper or lower digital I/O slot of a Dream ADA-8XR (available separately) and is compatible with Mac OS X and Windows systems.

      Eight channels of digital audio I/O at sample rates up to 96 kHz
      Four channels of digital audio I/O at 176.4 kHz or 192 kHz
      Functions as a Core Audio device under Mac OS X (multiple FireWire modules are not supported by Mac OS X)
      Functions as a WDM and ASIO compliant device under Windows XP and later (multiple FireWire modules are supported by Windows)
      Compatible with 4- or 6-pin FireWire 400 (1394a) ports
      Supports multiple I/O configurations—8-in / 8-out, 2-in / 8-out, 8-in / 2-out, or 4-in / 4-out
      Easily installs in either digital I/O slot (DIO1 or DIO2) of an ADA-8XR (available separately)



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