Royer Labs SM-21 AxeMount Dual Microphone Mount

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    This ingenious new microphone clip from Royer allows you to easily phase align a R121 with another microphone and all on one stand, so you can get back to making music.

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      Royer SM-21 AxeMount

      Blending an R-121 ribbon with a dynamic mic is a legendary method for capturing electric guitars. The AxeMount microphone clip positions an R-121 right next to a 57-style dynamic mic, phase-aligned and ready to record, for the ultimate electric guitar microphone package. Whether you’re making small position adjustments on a speaker or switching both mics to another cabinet, it’s as easy as moving one mic stand.

      The natural, full bodied sound of the R-121, blended to taste with the fist-forward pointedness of a 57-styled dynamic microphone, allows for phenomenal tailoring of recorded and live guitar tones. In the past, that required using two mic stands, two clips, and patience to get the mics lined up properly and in-phase with each other. The AxeMount does away with all that and makes this classic method easy to achieve.

      The AxeMount is built tough and comes with a lifetime warranty.



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