Sennheiser E901: Surface Microphone for Bass Drum

As exportações estão isentas de IVA fora da UE ou dentro da UE para compradores intracomunitários.

    Condenser boundary plate microphone. Half-cardioid for a precise, fast, and realistic sound from a kick drum. Also for conference tables, podiums, altars, stages, pianos, and percussion. Full-bodied response.

      REF: SNNHE901 Categorias: , , , Marca:

      Sennheiser E901: Surface Microphone for Bass Drum

      Condenser boundary plate microphone. Half-cardioid for a precise, fast, and realistic sound from a kick drum. Also for conference tables, podiums, altars, stages, pianos, and percussion. Full-bodied response.

      Professional pre-polarized, half-cardioid, boundary layer condenser for bass drum, Leslie and low frequency instrument applications (1 lb 2.4 oz).

      Frequency response optimized for bass drum
      No stand needed — just lay it on a towel or pillow
      Standard XLR plug: no adaptor cable needed
      Capable of handling extremely high SPLs

      • User’s Guide here.



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