Wunder Audio CM50 S

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    The Wunder Audio CM50 Suprema tube microphone is true to vintage using a spherical capsule

      REF: WUN07 Categorias: , , , Marca:

      The Wunder Audio CM50 Suprema tube microphone is true to vintage using a spherical capsule. The Wunder Audio CM50 S has an incredible lineage; its predecessor, the CM50, has been used worldwide in Decca trees for recording the soundtracks for many of the major motion pictures produced today.


      The CM50 S has a slanted grille to limit the effect of grille resonance on the response. Because the grille is slanted and presents a continuously varying profile to the capsule, there are fewer standing waves generated.


      Wunder Audio CM50 S uses an original Telefunken tube, which is our preferred tube and an upgrade from the ultra-miniature AC701.


      The CM50 Suprema uses a small pressure transducer, similar to the capsule embedded in the surface of a 40 mm diameter Lucite sphere. By mounting the miniature capsule in the large Lucite sphere all standing waves larger than 40 mm are eliminated thus canceling out proximity effect. No other microphone set to Omni can achieve the naturalness of the CM50 S sound. The inspiration is classic, the execution is cutting-edge.


      The Wunder Audio CM50 Suprema uses a M250 style seven-pin Tuchel connector, introduced by Neumann in 1961, that screws on and holds tighter than a eight-pin bayonet Tuchel connector, improving its performance with superior EMI/RF rejection.


      We’ve optimized our passive components to achieve a true audiophile performance. While audiophile equipment is usually referred to at the end of the chain in recording, we feel that it is most important that the first link in the recording chain, the microphone, be the best attainable.

      Power Supply

      The new generation tube Microphone PSU is proprietary to Wunder Audio and is an upgrade from the vintage tube mic PSU’s. Our upgrade gets a clean and stable DC voltage to the mic and shields the influx of Wi-Fi and RF interference with 100 percent reliability.

      Box and Carrying Case

      Your Wunder Audio CM50 S is nestled in velvet and softly secured in place in a foam-lined quarter sawn oak box that is clasped and hinged. This box then is safely encased in a precision velvet-lined thick foam tweed case that also holds your PSU, your one-piece newly designed yoke mount, and your cables.


      • User’s Guide here.



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