ADAM Audio SUB 8

589,00 486,78+IVA

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    Active 8.5“ Subwoofer

    • Preço por unidade
    REF: 2663 Categorias: , , , Marca:

    ADAM Audio SUB 8

    The Sub8 is a small yet powerful subwoofer designed to extend the low frequency capabilities of any nearfield monitoring system down to 30Hz.

    It houses a robust 8.5″ woofer with a 1.5″ voice coil driven by a 160W ICE power amplifier. This amp combines low heat generation with high performance to handle maximum power levels, even during long mix sessions.

    The front baffle features two motorized knobs that let you tailor input level and crossover frequency settings. These settings can also be controlled via the included wireless remote, allowing you to optimize your sound reproduction from your ideal listening position.

    The Sub8 is designed for smaller rooms up to 20 square meters. It is an ideal match for the ADAM Audio AX-Series and the S2V nearfield monitors.

    • 8.5“ Subwoofer (paper)
    • Amp. Power RMS / Music: 160 W / 240 W
    • Frequency Response: 28 Hz – 150 Hz
    • Max. peak SPL at 1 m: ≥110 db
    • Remote Control



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