Chandler Limited Germanium Compressor Pair

5.015,00 4.144,63+IVA

As exportações estão isentas de IVA fora da UE ou dentro da UE para compradores intracomunitários.
    Matched pair of Chandler Germanium compressors

    The Germanium series continues with the Chandler Germanium Compressor.

    The Germanium Compressor starts with the same all class A amp found in the Germanium Pre and Tone Control and is transformer balanced in and out.  The Compression circuit uses a FET gain reduction element but with the tricks and flexibilty of all the Germanium units.  Some of the most notable additions include a wet/dry mix for “submixing” tracks within the comp, Comp Curve, which selects the knee using various diode combinations, clean/dirty comp and sidechain filter.  Many of the Germanium Comp parameters have been purposely set by studio use and listening not by over analysing them with test gear.  The result is a musical powerhouse ready for tracking, mixing and mastering.

    • User’s Guide here.



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