Chandler Limited Little Devil Colored Boost Pedal

443,00 366,12+IVA

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    Chandler Limited Boost Pedal.

      The soul of the Little Devil Colored Boost is the Class A amplifier design and the selectable Feedback/Bias control. The six presets range from slightly fuzzy to a “in your face” Plexi sound. Each preset has its own style of harmonic distortion and clipping with different effects on a sine wave signal. Soft clipping, hard clipping, clipping on the top, bottom, or both sides of a sine wave, and significant changes in frequency happen with each click of the Feedback/Bias switch. Capable of 39db of boost, the Little Devil Colored Boost can easily range from gentle sustain to screaming vintage.

      Circuit Type Solid-state, Silcon Transistor
      Channels Mono
      Feature Set Color Boost
      Feedback & Bias
      Boost Range
      Bypass, True
      I/O 1/4″ mono
      Power 1x 9-volt “BOSS” style power supplies or 1x 9-volt battery
      • User’s Guide here



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