Manley Massive Passive Stereo Tube EQ

7.116,00 5.880,99+IVA

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    The Manley Massive Passive is a 2 channel, 4 band stereo tube EQ, with additional high pass and low pass filters. The Massive Passive’s tube stages handle huge hf boosts without sibilance problems and provides unbelievable fatness without adding any mud to the sound source. Ideal for mixing or mastering applications.

      REF: MSMP Categorias: , , Marca:

      Manley Massive Passive Stereo Tube EQ

      The Manley Massive Passive is a 2 channel, 4 band passive tube equaliser that adds clarity and a very musical feel to sound sources even when used at high levels.

      Using all passive components along with metal film resistors, film capacitors and hand wound inductors, the Massive Passive creates an organic natural tone when mixing.

      The EQ comes with four low-pass filters and five high-pass filters which can be both bypassed to A/B your results. This makes it easy to remove unwanted frequencies that are muddying your mix. The filters are extra steep up to 36dB/octave to ensure total cut off is achieved.

      The Massive Passive features easy to use controls that enable you to perform precise equalisation tasks quickly and accurately, or use it to get creative to shape your sound into something new without colourising the original source.

      Manley’s Massive Passive can also be used as a mastering tool, however there is a master-specific stepped EQ Mastering Version also available for more specific tasks.


      • All-Passive tone sculpting circuitry
      • Unique Shelf curves use the “”bandwidth”” control
      • Overlapping and Interleaved Frequency choices
      • Every band is switchable to shelf or bell
      • Vacuum tube make-up gain and line drivers
      • Parallel symmetrical topology
      • Premium components used throughout
      • Hi pass and Low pass Filters and gain trims

      In Depth Features:

      • Each of the 4 bands of EQ can be bypassed or set to boost or cut providing twice as much control over conventional EQs while also eliminating the problem of a center detent not guaranteeing flat response.
      • Astounding headroom and freedom from clipping can be achieved with 20 dB of boost or cut on each EQ band.
      • Maximum effectiveness is gained from the steep High pass and Low pass filters and minimal coloration can be achieved passively. The minimum slope is 18 dB/octave and the 18kHz filter was designed for 60 dB/octave.
      • The transformer balanced outputs give a desirable touch of flavour and were designed to accommodate the maximum boosts possible.



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