Manley Enhanced Pultec EQP1A Dual

5.314,00 4.391,74+IVA

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    Stereo Pultec Type Eq

      REF: SPEQ Categorias: , , Marca:

      The MANLEY ENHANCED PULTEC EQP-1A is Manley’s own interpretation of the historic Pultec Equalizer as originally produced by Pulse Techniques, Inc. We have been building these Manley Pultec EQs since 1990 after we bothered to hunt down Eugene Shenk in New Jersey to ask for his permission and blessings to produce our own version of his classic piece. These Manley Pultec units employ our own simple and clean all-tube make-up gain block to reamplify the signal after the passive EQ circuit.

      EQ may be set to ‘flat’ positions or BYPASSED entirely. All BOOST and CUT controls are continuously variable conductive plastic potentiometers for absolutely silent operation and long life. Our single rack unit monoblocks occupy one-third of the space of the ‘antique Pultecs’, an important consideration for allocation of outboard rack space. And if you notice, we’ve added a couple extra frequencies too. The rear mounted input switch selects 0 degrees or 180 degrees PHASE INVERT for the balanced gold pin XLR input or the transformerless unbalanced bridging input (1/4″ jack) may be selected in that switch’s middle position.

      Features & Specifications


      • MANLEY input transformer with nickel laminations potted in mu-metal case. 3K Ohm input Z
      • PHASE REVERSE switch for balanced XLR input
      • Alternate transformerless 1/4″ HI-Z (5K Ohm) input
      • BYPASS switch & AUTO-MUTE w/warmup delay
      • Silent conductive plastic BOOST & CUT controls
      • Sealed gold-contact Greyhill frequency select switches
      • Vacuum Tubes: 1 x 12AX7WA (gain) and 1 x 6414 (or 5965) White Follower
      • Hi-current drive <50 Ohm LO-Z XLR & 1/4″ outputs
      • Balanced Transformer-Coupled XLR Outputs via MANLEY 9611
      • Flat frequency response from 10Hz-70KHz
      • <0.01% THD @ 1Khz
      • S/N Ratio: 116 dB
      • Adjustable FEEDBACK / GAIN: Unity ±5 dB
      • Max. output: +30 dBv
      • Power consumption: 18 watts
      • Operating mains voltage: Units are purpose built for original destination country’s mains voltage: 100V, 120V, or 220-240VAC as indicated on the serial number badge. Power transformer must be replaced in order to change mains operating voltage. 120VAC units may NOT be rewired to put the primaries of the power transformer in series for 220-240V operation or a large radiated field of hum will develop. If changing locations/voltages, the power transformer must be replaced with the dedicated one for the voltage at which it will operate.
      • Mains Voltage Frequency: 50~ 60Hz
      • Dimensions: 19″ x 1 3/4″ x 10″ (occupies 1u)
      • Shipping weight: 12 lbs.



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