Maselec MEA2: Ecualizador Estéreo Mastering

8.518,40 7.040,00+IVA

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    Ecualizador Estéreo de precisión milimétrica, para Mastering

      REF: 496 Categorias: , , Etiqueta: Brand:

      Maselec MEA2

      Maselec MEA2: Ecualizador Estéreo de precisión milimétrica, para Mastering

      • Ecualizador de 4 bandas diseñado especialmente para Grabación, Mezcla y Mastering
      • 100% transparente, añadiendo sólo la ecualización deseada, sin introducir características tímbricas indeseadas.
      • Controles por pasos, para garantizar una precisión milimétrica.
      • Controles por banda:
        • Cut/boost: 8 dB en pasos de 0,5 dB
        • Frecuencia:  21 frecuencias fijas (parcialmente superponibles) por banda especialmente diseñadas.
        • shelf/bell y Q: shelf (bandas 1 y 2) // Bell (bandas 3 y 4)  y 4,9, 14 y 20 dB por Octava
      • Bypass individual por canal
      • Estéreo 100% equilibrado
      • Distortion: <0.001%
      • Output noise (typical set-up): <-85dBu
      • Tienes el manual de usuario aquí



      Buy within EU


      We know how it feels. You’ve placed your order and are eager to receive your new gear, only to be disappointed by unwelcome import-fees and duty charges. That’s where Funky Junk can help. As a pan-European company with multiple locations situated across the UK and EU, we’re able to place stock closer to our European and international customers, enabling simpler order fulfilment, faster delivery times and ZERO unexpected fees. This means fewer headaches when calculating costs, no nasty surprises and more importantly, happier clients!

      We know how it feels. You’ve placed your order and are eager to receive your new gear, only to be disappointed by unwelcome import-fees and duty charges. That’s where Funky Junk can help. As a pan-European company with multiple locations situated across the UK and EU, we’re able to place stock closer to our European and international customers, enabling simpler order fulfilment, faster delivery times and ZERO unexpected fees. This means fewer headaches when calculating costs, no nasty surprises and more importantly, happier clients!

      For more advice on international purchasing with Funky Junk, speak to one of our friendly advisors or email us

      Based in the EU but concerned about import fees and added charges? We've got you covered. As a pan-European company with multiple locations situated across the UK and EU, we’re able to place stock closer to our European and international customers. Simply switch to the EU store and check-out with your local tax-rate applied. Funky Junk will ship your items from your nearest warehouse for faster delivery times and no cross-border charges. Simple!

      Benefits to shopping with Funky Junk:

      For example: You’d like to purchase VAT-free from the UK? No problem, select the store you want to purchase from, then at checkout pay your local tax-rate (based on you IP location). Funky Junk will then ship your items from your nearest warehouse with stock for faster delivery times and no added charges. Simple!

      For more advise on international purchasing and VAT-related questions you might have, speak to one of our friendly advisors or email

      Got a question? Contact us here: