Pope Audio Pope Audio Bax 2020R

1.827,10 1.510,00+IVA

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    19″ rack-mounted version of BAX2020 “Beast” EQ/Drive unit, with additional 40kHz switch, Avedis op-amps and transformer balanced output.

      Pope Audio Bax 2020R

      The BAX2020R might be incredibly simple in both principle and operation, but strap it across your master bus or run a stem through it and you’ll quickly understand why it received such a positive response upon its initial release. Easily add natural top-end sparkle to a mix or stem, low-end impact to drums and synths, gently roll off unwanted ‘muddiness’ on complex acoustic instruments or drive the input harder for subtle harmonic colouration.

      The Bax2020R is a rack-mountable 19” stereo/dual mono version of the “Beast” BAX2020 500 series model. It combines analogue ‘Hi’ and ‘Lo’ frequency gain control, in a compact, intuitive unit, featuring an Avedis 1122 opamp input, with an Avedis 1122 opamp also driving the transformer output. Drive the input at varying degrees for the desired level of analogue saturation/colour.

      An additional 20k/40k switch adjusts the “HI” frequency point up to 40KHz from the original 20KHz. This results in a more subtle, ‘airy’ top-end – well-suited (but not limited) to mastering purposes.

      What is a Baxandall EQ?

      Originally developed by Peter Baxandall in the 1950s, The Baxandall equaliser is a simple high and low shelving EQ, with a broad response curve – much like you would find on any traditional Hi-fi system. Unlike traditional EQs, a Baxandall exhibits a gently rising slope for a more natural sound and lower phase distortion than other types of equalizers.

      The external power supply is +/- 18vdc, giving the unit another 6db of headroom over a standard 500 series unit.



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