API 500VPR 10-Slot 500 Series Rack

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    API 500VPR 10 Slot 500 Series Rack can hold up to ten API modules

      REF: 119 Categorias: , , Marca:

      API 500VPR 10-Slot 500 Series Rack

      The API Model 500VPR is powered externally by a tri-polar power supply and is designed to accept API standard format 5.25″ X 1.5″ modules. The 500VPR is internally wired for PIN 2 hot, and comes with the API L200PS. The input/output jacks are both XLRs. The 500VPR can hold up to ten API modules. API makes several modules to fit this rack, including the 550A, 550b, 560, 525, and 512c. Like all API products, the 500VPR rack enjoys API’s standard 5 year warranty.

      Note that older API 560A series equalisers used pin 15 for a “direct output” and must be disabled on the 560A circuit board edge connector by cutting a trace. This will eliminate 48 volts from damaging the 560A series equalisers.




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