Wunder Audio Allotrope EQ

1.425,00 1.177,69+IVA

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    500 Series 3-band equalizer

      REF: WUN01 Categorias: , , Marca:

      Wunder Audio Allotrope EQ

      Wunder Audio Allotrope EQ

      The Wunder Audio Allotrope EQ is the result of years of testing, development, and enhancements made by Wunder Audio in Austin, TX with the PEQ1 and PEQ2. The inside of these discrete Class A build-quality modules is pristine, with meticulous wiring and impeccable soldering. Top-of-the-line components are used at every junction.

      The Wunder Audio Allotrope EQ is a classic inductor-based Baxandall equalizer with has the same EQ circuit as the Wunder Audio PEQ2. All aspects of this design from the metalwork to the components in the circuit are made to the same exacting standards as the PEQ2 simply remade for the 500 series format.

      • User’s Guide here.



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