Buzz Audio Essence

1.098,00 900,00+TAV

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    500 series Class A Optical Compressor

      Buzz Audio Essence

      The essence is a True Class A Optical Compressor designed to fit the API* 500 VPR Series rack frames offering a great feature set in a compact package. The essence will find application with those seeking a musically transperant compressor for all tracking and mixing tasks, and it sounds particulary outstanding when processing voice and bass tracks. The essence – the Heart ‘n’ Soul of your next recording

      The essence control circuit design is based on the Buzz Audio SOC-1.1 Stereo Optical Compressor but the main audio path utilises our BE40 and BE50 True Class A amplifiers along with high spec Lundahl* input and output transformers. The input transformer is directly coupled to the Buzz proprietary Opto gain reduction element (completely passive input), amplified and then balanced via the output transformer – a very simple but gutsy signal path!

      The essence control circuitry utilizes the Differential Drive Side Chain (DDSC) topology that was developed for the SOC-1.1. This system, which processes positive and negative audio waveform in seperate paths, provides the incredibly musical characteristic you will hear with this unit. The DDSC design also provides for a much faster attack time compared to most other LDR based optical compressors.

      Simple side chain equalizers have been provided to allow the user to adjust the sensitivity of the compressor at high and low frequencies. In addition, a side chain insert point is provided for more complex EQ and compressor “keying”.

      The essence consumes 2 slots within a 500 Series rack. The input/output (I/O) connectors associated with the first slot carry the main audio path. The I/O connectors associated with the second slot are used for a side chain insert point (send and return). The insert can be switched in/out of circuit and monitored via front panel switches.

      Stereo Matching
      We go to a lot of trouble to match up the LDR’s used in our optical compressors but due to the inherent variances in these devices we now offer the essence in stereo matched pairs. Ask your dealer for more detail.

      Rack Compatibility
      The essence power consumption of 120mA is higher than other 500 series modules, but because this demand is spread over two slots (60mA each) it should work fine in all available racks.

      • API* 500VPR Series rack module format – plug in and play!
      • Advanced analogue technology – not a clone or copy of products from the past.
      • Powerful fully discrete hi-bias, wide bandwidth, differential Class A amplifiers.
      • Passive transformer coupled input, transformer coupled output
      • Side chain insert point
      • Side chain monitor selector
      • On board side chain EQ
      • Unique Differential Drive Side Chain design
      • May be linked to multiple essence units within one rack
      • Switchable 10 segment VU meter


      Frequency Response with no gain reduction = 14Hz to 107kHz, +/- 1.5dB
      Maximum Input Level = +25dBu
      Maximum Output Level = +27dBu
      Total Harmonic Distortion
      Measured at 0dBu input, no gain reduction, make up Gain 0dB
      100Hz = 0.1%, 1kHz = 0.015%, 10kHz = 0.002%
      Measured at +10dBu input, 20dB gain reduction, make up Gain +15dB, Attack AUTO, Release 16
      100Hz = 0.1%, 1kHz = 0.015%, 10kHz = 0.005%
      Residual Noise = -95dB A wtg, 150ohm source Z, make up Gain 0dB
      Make up Gain Range = 0dB to +15dB
      Maximum Available Gain Reduction = 25dB
      S/C HI EQ Boost/Cut = 8dB @ 10kHz
      S/C LO EQ Boost/Cut = 8dB @ 100Hz
      Main Audio Input Impedance = 20k ohms, bal or unbal
      Main Output Impedance = 100 ohms bal or unbal
      Sidechain Send Output Impedance = 100 ohms unbal
      Sidechain Return Input Impedance = 44k ohms bal or unbal
      Sidechain Max Input/Output Levels = +22dBu
      Size = (3″Wx5.25″H). Fits 2 spaces in API* 500VPR Series rack format
      Power requirements = 120mA +/- 15-18 volts DC, as supplied by rack power supply.

      Specifications are typical of a production unit and are subject to change without notice.
      0dBu reference = 0.775 volts RMS

