
Audient ASP4816 Compact Analogue Recording Console (Used)

9.377,50 7.750,00+IVA

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    Audient ASP4816 Compact Analogue Recording Console with Audient’s renowned Class A preamp and 4 band EQ.

      REF: AUASP4816-USD Categorias: , , Marca:

      Audient ASP4816 Compact Analogue Recording Console

      Powerful, flexible and intuitive, the ASP4816 delivers superb audio performance in a compact frame size.

      ASP4816 provides the key features of a large format recording console in a compact, cost effective form. Designed by audio guru, David Dearden and featuring Audient’s legendary analog circuitry, ASP4816 is the perfect centre piece for production studios and educational facilities.

      The main input channels feature Audient’s renowned Class A preamp and 4 band EQ – a combination found in hundreds of ASP8024 equipped studios where many users no longer feel the need to reach for their outboard preamps and EQ. The console features 40 faders,16 bus routing, 6 auxes, 2 dedicated cue sends, 4 stereo returns, stereo bus compressor and a comprehensive monitor section.


      • In-line architecture – twin inputs on each channel
      • 40 faders
      • 48 inputs at mix
      • 16 Audient Class-A mic pres
      • 16 channels of EQ
      • 16 record buses
      • 6 auxes, 2 cue sends
      • Stereo bus compressor
      • Comprehensive monitor section

      Record Buses: Record Buses are routed via 8 switches with a shift button to access buses 9-16. The routing can be accessed from either the short or long fader paths, pre or post pan.

      Signal Metering: A 20 segment peak reading led bargraph provides channel metering for the DAW input, and a 3 segment LED bargraph indicating signal present, normal level, and overload, for the mic/line input. The meter functions can be reversed if required.

      Inserts for Channels: Both the mic/line inputs and DAW inputs have their own balanced inserts with individual “insert in” switches.

      Auxiliary Buses: Rotary controls provide the send levels for the 6 Auxiliary and Cue A and B buses. The auxiliary sends can be switched in pairs across to the short fader path and also in pairs between pre / post fader. The cue sends can be switched across individually into the short fader path and in pairs between pre/post fader.The cue sends are normally used for artists foldback purposes, although they can be switched post fader if required for extra sends.A flexible Auxiliary bus combining facility on the Master module allows the 2 independent signals within a channel to access the same Effects device. Should extra sends be needed a single button push will allow the short fader to become a post long fader send with access to the 16 buses, with or without panning

      Equalisers: ASP4816 features HF and LF shelving EQ matched with a pair of fully parametric mids. Musical and flexible in its operation, each section ofthe EQ can be switched in and out individually. Adding to this flexibility, each section of the EQ can be switched into either the short fader or long fader paths, a useful feature when both inputs require EQ during mixing.

      Short Fader Controls: Fader, mix, pan, cut, solo and long fader link controls for the short fader path.

      Long Fader Controls: Fader, mix, pan, cut, solo and fader fl ip for the long fader path.

      Twin Channel Inputs: Each channel has an in-line architecture with the mic/line input normally feeding the record path and the DAW input normally feeding the monitor path, both of which can access the record buses and the mix bus. Inputs can be flipped between the two paths.

      Stereo Inputs: ASP4816 has 4 dedicated Stereo inputs equipped with full Bus / Mix routing and solo / cut facilities. Rotary controls provide gain adjustment for the inputs and Foldback A and B.

      Auxiliary Masters2: cue send and 6 auxiliary master trims with link buttons for linking aux sends together

      Studio: Source selection and level control for Studio speakers and Foldback.

      Control Room: Control Room Monitor source switches provide a choice between the Main Mix and three external stereo sources. A 30 segment peak reading led bargraph meter follows the source selection. The Main Monitor outputs are supplemented by 3 sets of Alternate Speaker outputs, each with its own level control.

      Sub Groups/ Line Inputs: ASP4816 has 8 independent sub groups, each with an insert point should external processing be required. The insert return can also be used as a line input to provide 8 extra line inputs into the console. The output of each sub group/ line input can be panned across the mix, or even used as the record signal to an 8 Track recorder, metered by a 20 segment peak reading led bargraph.

      Bus Master Trims: These rotary controls provide the final output trim for the 16 buses.

      Oscillator: Frequency, routing and level control for the oscillator

      Compressor: Audient’s renowned bus compressor is designed to perfectly suit the dynamic requirements of mix processing.Switched ratio, attack and release times as well as a program dependent auto setting make setting up easy and repeatable.

      Solo: The Solo system is particularly versatile, providing PFL, AFL and Solo-in- Place functions. The ‘Solo in Front’ feature allows the Solo signal to be heard either in isolation or with some of the mix signal in the background.

      Communications: Latching switches and level control for Talkback signal to be fed to slate, studio or Foldback

